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Li Ma, Qian Zheng, Yang Li, etal. Preoperative velopharyngeal morphology in older cleft palate patients with postoperative velopharyngeal closure versus velopharyngeal insufficiency. J Craniofac Surg. 2013, 24(5): 1720-1703.

Li Ma, Bing Shi, Yang Li, et al. A Preliminary Study on the Characteristics of the Velopharyngeal Structures in Different Age Patients with Cleft Palate. J Craniofac Surg. 2013,24(4):1235-1238.

Li Ma, Bing Shi, Yang Li, et al. Velopharyngeal function assessment on patients with cleft palate: perceptual speech assessment versus nasopharyngoscopy. J Craniofac Surg. 2013,24(5):1229-1231.

Li Ma, Bing Shi, Qian Zheng. Targeted mutations of genes reveal important roles in palatal development in mice. Annals of Plastic Surgery. Ann Plast Surg, 2015, 74(2):263-268.

尹恒; 马利; 郭春丽; 赵树蕃; 石冰. 大年龄腭裂患者治疗状况的调查. 临床口腔医学杂志. 2011; 27(10): 619-621.

尹恒; 马利; 石冰; 郭春丽; 赵树蕃; 李杨. 主观判听在腭咽闭合功能诊断中的应用价值. 华西口腔医学杂志. 2012; 30(2): 197-200.

郭春丽; 尹恒; 马利; 石冰; 郑谦; 赵树蕃; 李杨. 华西改良腭咽肌瓣和Hogan咽后壁瓣术后腭咽功能及语音的对比研究. 实用口腔医学杂志. 2012, 28(6): 731-734.

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